Thursday, 11 December 2014

Five Leadership Benefits of Stopping and Reflecting

Reflective LeadershipAs a leader we are all busy and constantly bombarded with emails, meetings, requests, ideas, projects, change of plans, budget constraints…

I often hear my clients talk about how they seem to spend their day going from one meeting to the next with very little time to think. Any thinking that has to be done is either in the moment, or at either end of the day that may be on the way to and from work or at home. I know I’ve been there! 

As a coach a conversation I have with potential clients is how we do not give ourselves the space to think things through to either develop a way forward or solve or problem, or consider how we could do things differently. Having a coach actually allows you to create this space and have someone support you in your own process.

I recognise that not everyone is ready to have a coach so an alternative is to create some space for yourself on a regular basis to do your best thinking – even if it’s just fifteen minutes.

If you are wondering why here are the top 5 benefits you will gain:

Five Leadership Benefits of Reflecting:

Clarity about where you are: Taking some time out either at the end of the day, week or month gives you the opportunity to see the big picture and where you are against your goals. You can’t do this when your head is down in the ‘thick of things’.

Increased likelihood of revised action: If you are off track, taking regular reflective periods will allow you to spot this earlier and potentially save time by taking corrective actions early. Even if you are on track it allows you to spot opportunities that may save time in the future and increase your opportunities for success.

New ideas have the chance to emerge: If you a struggling with a particular situation or feel as though you are ‘stuck’ giving yourself some time to think about it will allow some space for new options and ideas to emerge.

Develop a higher level of thinking and problem solving: Think of this as a way to train your brain. By making a habit of having some reflective time your brain will get used to thinking differently – see my points later on possible questions to ask your self in this space.

You can be more effective: You can be more on the front foot and by reflecting on your own practice you can identify where you could be more effective through either adapting your approach or your style in a given situation.

Reflective Leadership Questions
Possible Reflective Questions to ask Yourself:

  • What have been my successes over the last week/month?
  • What are my current challenges?
  • What will help me move this forward?
  • What is my job in this team/company really about?
  • What s getting in the way of me making progress?
  • What is my most important goal right now?
  • What assumptions am I making on this topic?
  • What patterns do I see emerging?

These are only suggestions to get you started – feel free to come up with and share your own.

Some tips to get started
  1. Find a time that works best for you. Is it daily or weekly? Is it morning, afternoon or evening? Be prepared to play with this until you find when you can commit and do your best thinking.
  2. Stop any interruptions, including those you may create for yourself such as grabbing a coffee, doing this one email
  3. Find a place where you can do your best thinking. Get out of the office if necessary.
  4. Identify clear actions you will take as a result, bearing in mind this may mean you stop doing something. 

If you are a leader who recognises that having a coach for a period of time will help you be even more effective email me to set up a discovery call so we can discuss your needs further:

“Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.”
Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Bigger and Bigger Challenge

Leadership Challenge
Leaders face a constant demand to exceed performance of the previous year regardless of the environmental factors; bigger numbers, bigger teams, bigger roles…

As a leader you probably take it on and do this seamlessly based on your current skills and abilities or, cope as you grow into the challenge.

It’s easy to say that you have learned a lot from experience, and I am sure you have. However, you don’t know what you don’t know. You can actually be limited by your experience. It can also be a reactionary process, learning in the now, rather than a proactive process, thinking about what you need moving forward.

People expect skills gaps for lower level managers yet as you develop your career, and transform into a senior manager, there is an assumption that you know everything and have a full ‘toolkit’ on leadership and management!

I’m not saying this is wrong – it can however be exhausting if you constantly feel as though you are playing ‘catch-up’. You may also be unaware that you are in this place as it’s become a way of operating - and this doesn’t make you a leader in your own life.

Recognising you are in this Challenge

Leadership ChallengeThis may be the perfect time for you to take a moment and reflect. You are likely to be caught in this place if you are doing any one or more of these:
  • Working increased hours – you’ve taken on the additional responsibilities and find that you are going in early, working late and weekends to keep up.
  • Taking on increased responsibility – you’ve taken on additional responsibilities without considering what this means to how you work and utilise resources.
  • Have an increased revenue target to achieve and/or a reduced budget to deliver with either no extra resources or reduced resources.
  • Increased expectations that may be explicit or not – you are not really clear about what is expected of you and are working harder – just in case.

If you recognise yourself in any of the above, rather than play catch-up I’d like to encourage you to take a more proactive look at your needs.

Start by looking 3 years from now. What would you like to be doing in 3 years time? Think of the role you’d like to be doing and how you want to be operating both in work and out of work. Take some time to do this and list the skills and attributes you want to be demonstrating. Then identify the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
  • Where are you now and what would be the priorities for you?
  • Are there opportunities in your current role to start developing these?
  • Do you need to get some honest feedback on where you are and how you may be demonstrating these?
  • Is there someone you need to ask to be your mentor?
  • Is there someone you need to ask to be your coach?
  • Is there someone you could shadow?
  • What are the priorities and next steps?

Costs and Benefits

There will undoubtedly be costs and benefits to your choices, both hard and soft.

What would you gain by addressing these challenges and what would it cost you?

Take some time to understand if there is a broader need to be met. Sometimes there is an issue that underlies what you’ve listed and this may be the very thing that needs to be addressed. Be sure to take a holistic view and consider life outside of work. Be sure to include the cost of taking no action too!

Do the benefits out way the costs?  

If the answer is yes then all that remains is:
  • To be clear about the priorities
  • Take action
  • Get support

‘Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes them meaningful.’
Joshua J. Marine

Friday, 14 November 2014

What is your Pruning Practice?

Continuous ImprovementAs we are now in the middle of autumn, and most of the trees have lost their leaves, I can actually ‘see the wood from the trees’ in my garden. I have a much clearer picture of what needs to be pruned back to allow more space for new growth, or where there is dead wood that is no longer serving a purpose.

Now I know that pruning in the garden doesn’t happen once a year, it really depends on the plants I have at any one time. However, autumn is the time when I can take a more strategic look at what needs attention so I can plan for next year and decide what areas I want to change and what I want to create.

Through this process my garden becomes an ever-evolving space and I’ve learned over the years which plants love their position and thrive and which positions in the garden need a certain type of plant.

It’s been more a process of trial and error than strategic planning and when I’ve neglected it it’s required a lot more work from me to get it back to be ‘fit for purpose’.

And the relevance to business is what I hear you ask?

How often do you as a leader take time out to look at your business or your team to reflect on what is no longer adding value?
Is it:
Annually, or

Proactive Change

Many organisations and teams plan ahead. Usually this is around what activities are required to deliver your targets. Rarely is it about stopping things because they no longer add value.

I know of few organisations that change proactively, and as a consequence there is a mismatch between what is happening internally and the pace of change externally. The result is that when something does need to change it requires some form of change programme that takes more time, more resources and often a degree of pain.

Consider for a moment how different this would be if somehow we’d manage to evolve with the environment? What if we had a regular pruning practice?

Here are the benefits I see and the action you can take

Regular review of what’s working to achieve your goals
  • What is thriving and what do you need to do to maintain this? Does it need feeding? Regular pruning?
  • What needs support to grow and flourish? Do you need to add some structure or additional resource to help it on its way?
  • What needs digging up or pruning to allow space for something of greater value to grow?

An opportunity to consider what’s missing
Ask yourself:
  • Where are you lacking creativity?
  • Where is there under performance?
  • Is there a clear path laid out?
  • Do you have the right skill set available?

A weed is anything that you no longer want. From an organisational perspective what behaviours are you noticing that do not support the culture you are wanting? What systems or processes are no longer delivering what you need? What teams or individuals are no longer performing?

A time for some self-reflection
Having considered all of the above some questions you may want to ask yourself are:
  • What am I doing that is supporting this?
  • What am I creating?
  • What am I tolerating?
  • What do I want to be new/different?

As a leader what action do you need to take to start a regular pruning practice?

I love to hear your thoughts so feel free to email me at:

“Today may be the enemy of your tomorrows.”

Dr. Henry Cloud

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Mind the Gap

Continuous ImprovementIf you are anything like me you are a bit of a learning ‘junkie’. Always looking for the next thing to learn, or ways of getting new insights whether that be a course, a webinar, a conference, a seminar, reading a book or hiring your own coach.

We are always setting targets or goals and then when we get there set new ones, often without celebrating how far we have come. We focus on filling the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

I have spent part of this week with my mastermind group reviewing my business and how I operate and identifying what I need to do in the next quarter. An additional element was a day looking at how you communicate to create a powerful partnership.

It’s easy to think you have learned a topic and there is no need to revisit it. WRONG!

Just the way the concepts and exercises were presented allowed me to look at what I do differently.

What I took away was some ideas for coaching. More importantly it allowed me to identify a blind spot I have around my own expectations when communicating with others and how I can improve on a particular communication skill.

Blind spots – the biggest growth area

Our blind spots are the things we don’t know we are doing or the things we don’t know we don’t know – and neither to do others. So, when they are revealed to us, no matter how small, they help us make progress and grow in areas we never imagined.

The very reason that you don’t know what you don’t know makes identifying your blind spots difficult and the only person getting in the way of them is you! You can see the conundrum…..

And it’s worth saying that blind spots can be talents as well as development areas.

So how do you open yourself up to them?

Here are my tips to help you:
  • Be prepared to revisit topics, tools you’ve used before to review how they are working for you. If you know someone who is really good at these things, go and talk to them. Find out their approach, how they think, what they do that is different to you.
  • Be honest with yourself. We can be our own worst enemy and skirt over situations and topics that we are uncomfortable with. Give yourself some space to really explore what might be going on for you.
  • Conduct a review after meetings and events. Ask your self:
         What went well?
         What didn’t go so well?
         Knowing what I know now what would I do differently?
         What action will I now take to do things differently moving forward?

     It can often help to involve others in this to get some different perspectives.
  • Take 100% responsibility for every situation. If you are not getting what you want, what can you do differently to make it clear what you want? This may mean that you still don’t get what you want and you may learn something about yourself in the process.
  • Get a great coach to support and challenge you. They will see things in you that you and those close to you don’t, or aren’t prepared to tell you about.


Continuous learning and growth is a bit like peeling an onion. The first few layers come off really easy and the closer you get to the centre the more patient you need to be and the shifts are more subtle.

Be kind to yourself - recognise your progress and celebrate. Focus on how far you have come as well as where you want to get to and own your success.

‘Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.’
Winston Churchill

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Being the Best that You Can be!

Performance Feedback
If you want to be the best you can be you need to regularly set yourself some challenging goals or targets and get feedback. This is what most world class athletes do and strangely enough it's what most organisations performance reviews are based on. Yet, for most people, the mere mention of this event makes their heart sink.

Why is this? We all want feedback. I haven’t come across anyone who doesn’t want feedback so how have we got ourselves into the situation where so many people do not look forward to this process?
Here are some of the common mistakes I’ve seen:

  • You only have this conversation once a year at performance review time so you either bring up all the things you want to from the past year (good and bad), or can’t remember key incidents which would be of value to the employee.
  • You structure the conversation based on the review forms you have to complete. The conversation is therefore a form filling exercise rather than a meaningful discussion about the individuals overall performance.
  • The feedback comments are so generic they don’t have any meaning for the individual, for example ‘you did a great job’, ‘you handled that really well’, ‘that didn’t go too well’, or ‘you acted unprofessionally.’ When you are on the receiving end of this type of feedback you have no idea what you actually did well or not so well...

This is a shame, because giving and receiving feedback is one of the most important activities you can engage in with your team.

When done well it is the springboard to performance greatness.

How often do you actually give meaningful feedback to your team members?
How often do you get feedback?
If you don’t get it do you ask for it?

As a reminder and to hopefully encourage you to be even better at asking for and giving feedback I've listed some 'best practice' tips below. 
Whilst I’m sure you have heard all of this before if you are not giving regular feedback, or asking for feedback yourself then I would encourage you to read on and decide what you are going to start to do differently to enhance your own and your teams performance.

How do I give constructive and effective feedback?
Performance Feedback
The most important element in providing effective feedback is establishing an atmosphere of mutual trust and regard. When a feeling of trust has been created, it is easier both to give and to accept feedback.

  • Make sure that the employee understands that you are working toward a mutual goal – their success.
  • Acknowledge the employee's accomplishments and successes along with the areas in which he or she needs to improve.
  • Be specific. It is much more useful to describe the specific element of work that concerns you or that you are particularly impressed by. Remember to stick to what you know first hand: You'll quickly find yourself on shaky ground if you start giving feedback based on other people's views.
  • Keep the feedback simple. Decide on the area you want to cover. You don't want to create a shopping list of faults that could overwhelm and discourage the employee.
  • Offer to work with your employee to develop solutions to any problems that he or she is encountering. 

How do I ask for feedback?
When I ask people whether they ask for feedback I get one of two responses:

  1. I haven’t asked
  2. I haven’t been specific on what I want feedback on.
  • Be clear about what you want feedback on. If you are practicing your presentation skills what is it that you are working on? Is it your voice tone, your volume, how you stand or sit, the content of the presentation the flow of the presentation, your eye contact, the pace, how you handle questions…This is what I mean by be clear.
  • Ask someone who you know will give you the feedback and will focus on the specifics.
  • Be prepared to ask further questions for clarity when you are getting the feedback so you can walk away and know exactly what it was you did well, or what specifically you need to do differently.

So these 3 simple things are to help you be more proactive in obtaining relevant feedback for you.
What do I do while I am receiving feedback?
There is an art to receiving feedback as well as giving it and as feedback is rare  you really need to know how to make the most of it:

  • Listen while your manager, colleague or stakeholder is giving feedback, and I mean really listen - don't be waiting to speak. Wait until he or she is finished before you respond.
  • Make sure you understand the feedback. It's useful to paraphrase the feedback to ensure that you captured the intended meaning. Ask for clarification or for more specifics if it’s not making sense to you.
  • Ask for strategies to resolve the issues and work together to develop solutions if you are not sure how to proceed.
  • Finally, whether you agree with the feedback or not, thank the person for his or her time and for being helpful to you. 

What if I get feedback that I don't agree with?
We don’t have to take on board all the feedback we get. We always have a choice. So if you don’t agree with what you are hearing:

  • Step back. It's useful to consider the feedback calmly and to think about it in the overall context of moving forward in your career.
  • Ask a trusted peer for his or her point of view or talk with a mentor.
  • If you decide not to use the feedback, let your manager know and tell her or him your reasons. They may want to give you additional feedback. Listen to it and enter into a dialogue about it. If you decide not to use the feedback at this time, keep the feedback in mind, since it may make more sense to you down the road.

If you really believe in people being the best that they can be, or  better still, see that you have more potential, make feedback a habit – both giving and asking for it!

"Be proactive. Proactive people work on the things they can do something about."
Stephen Covey

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Not Difficult - Just impossible!

Difficult Conversations, Courageous ConversatinsOne of the most challenging situations as a leader is handling so-called ‘difficult people’. It can take up a disproportionate amount of your time, effort and energy and, if not handled effectively, create a ‘toxic atmosphere’ in the workplace.
Whether you are dealing with defensive behaviour, emotional reactions or differences in style, it is important to recognise the extent to which your own behaviour can either defuse or escalate others’ ‘difficult behaviour’.
The more you are able to stand back and understand the impact it is having on you and then choose a response, rather than a reaction, the more likely you are to be able to lead effectively.
What makes someone difficult?

Few people get out of bed in the morning intending to make life difficult at work.

A variety of factors may spark off defensive behaviour and cause someone to display their less attractive side. If you are able to identify the causes you stand a better chance of building an effective relationship. Here are some of the possible causes for you to consider:

Current Situation: The context in which someone is working will have an impact on their behaviour. There may be changes in the team, changes in workload changes to work practices, a new leader or they may have been promoted.

Personal History: People bring history to their working relationships – attitudes that reflect how they were treated in the past, the amount of confidence they have in their own skills and knowledge, and their beliefs about themselves and other people.

Differences in style: Sometimes, what is perceived as difficult behaviour is simply a difference in style or approach to your own. 

External factors: An employee may have a personal or family problem that is effecting their motivation and behaviour. It should also be recognised that extreme behaviour may be the result of stress, mental health issues, drink or drug problems, and leaders should be alert particularly for behaviour that is out of character.

Know YOUR default style

We each have our own unique way of reacting when faced with a conflict or difficult situation. We might like to think that we’re slightly more sophisticated than this, however, when under the stress and pressure of a conflict situation, we all typically revert to a default style or pattern of behaviour. Understanding what yours is and then choosing how to respond can help you manage the situation more effectively.

Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developed a model that may help you with this. It has been adapted over time, but generally includes the following approaches:
Do you avoid any conflict or confrontation and withdraw, both physically and psychologically? If this is your style you tend to bury your head in the sand, pretending that a conflict doesn’t exist and avoiding addressing any issues with another party. This is a lose/lose approach.
Do you acquiesce with others? If this is your style you may behave deferentially to people more senior and place the needs and interests of others above yours. ‘Anything for an easy life’ is what you might say, and you may also feel frustrated and resentful at the same time. This is a lose/win approach.
Do you use your power, authority and strength? In fact, you may do whatever it takes to win, saying things like, ‘It’s a matter of principle – I’m not backing down; that’s a sign of weakness.’  This is a win/lose approach.
Are you focused on getting everyone’s needs met? You see conflict as a problem needing a solution and want to work with the other party to resolve it. You look beyond people’s position and explore their underlying concerns, ensuring you don’t get your needs met at the expense of others. This is a win/win approach.
Do you sit on the fence when it’s time to find a solution to conflict? You’re neither competitive nor accommodating, so you might be willing to compromise on your needs, if the other party compromises on theirs. You are neither collaborative nor avoiding, because while you don’t necessarily deal with the issues in any great depth, you don’t avoid them completely. Your focus is on splitting the difference or looking for the quick middle ground that will do. This is neither win/win nor lose/lose and can  be a place of stalemate or no deal.
Difficult Conversations, courageous conversationsMoving Forward

Nothing is ever too difficult. It’s all a question of having the skills and flexibility to adapt. In handling a ‘difficult’ person you may move through several of the modes mentioned above depending on where the each of you start. Here are some questions to help you move forward:
  • What are your default responses in a conflict situation?
  • Do you recognise any of these responses in others?
  • What are your next steps in handling ‘difficult’ people more effectively?

If you are facing a difficult situation that you would like to talk through email me at

“Be proactive. Proactive people work on the things they can do something about.” 
Stephen Covey

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The 4 C’s of Courageous Conversations

courageous conversationsI first came across the term courageous conversation some years ago when I first heard David Whyte speak. At the time I was struck by what this meant and it forced me to think about where I had had a courageous conversation, if at all!

I realised I had and more importantly I recognised that there was one I was avoiding, and that was a conversation with myself.

My invitation to you, today, is to consider the same question. With whom do you need to have a courageous conversation?

Where are things not proceeding the way you want them to go? Where do you need to step in and stop the conversation that you are having now – even though you don’t know where to go next?

In considering this it could be with someone at work, someone at home, someone in your community, if you are running a business it may be a conversation with your business, or it could be a conversation with yourself.

It’s not your every day conversation
  • It’s a conversation that you have to be really present for.
  • It’s a conversation where you have to speak candidly, without any defensiveness.
  • It’s a conversation where you face reality.

The fact that it’s called courageous implies that there is an element of danger either for you, or the person or people you will be talking to.

And … as we are all unique human beings, danger can mean many things to many people ranging from; giving someone some feedback that you know they are not going to like hearing; to loosing your job; and ultimately through to life or death scenarios (although this is rare in many organisations today).

To help you prepare for this conversation here are the 4 C’s to consider:

Courage: You have to be brave and stand up and make it happen.  Face reality, challenge assumptions, including your own, and have the courage to ask the question no one else wants to.

Confidence: Be self-assured and know that the time is right.  In the words of Martin Luther King “the time is always right to do what is right.” Be confident to sit with silence that may arise and to ‘not know’ where to go or what the solution is.

Control: You have to be in control of your emotions, which means you have to be present in the here and now, centred and calm. Be curious not judgemental, and speak candidly without creating defensiveness, so that what you say is delivered in a way that feels positive.

Choice: This runs through all of the 3 C’s above. You are at choice in all that you do:
  • Choose to be courageous
  • Choose to be confident
  • Choose to be in control of your emotions
  • Choose to have the conversation

Courageous conversations foster creativity; strengthens relationships and more importantly allows you to be the leader in your life.

Good luck! I’d love to hear how you get on.

"It's not the day you have to manage... but the moment. It's not the dragon you have to slay, but the fear. And it's not the path you have to know, but the destination."
Mike Dooley

Friday, 10 October 2014

Four Simple Questions to Help you Build Resilience

resilienceHow do you deal with setbacks?

Do you:
  1. Roll over and think ‘that’s it  - it’s too hard, might as well give up now'.
  2. Decide to roll your sleeves up, get stuck in and push through.
  3. Throw a tantrum and create a drama out of it.
My guess is you may have done all of these at various stages of your life in differing circumstances depending on your level of emotional engagement and maturity. And, hopefully, you’ve learned to handle setbacks a little differently now.

I came across a great quote the other day which I think sums this up:

“ Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” Steve Maraboli

Of course there is a choice with this – you have to choose to grow stronger and be more resilient so that you thrive rather than survive from one crisis or setback to another.

It’s your capacity to respond constructively to adversity that builds your resilience. It’s not about coping or surviving but about harnessing the opportunities that lie within the situation and your own capability.

Are you reacting to what life throws at you or are you responding to what life throws at you? The latter is the one that will allow you to grow so I thought I’d also share Paul Stoltz CORE questions which are designed to help you build resilience:

Control – What facets of the situation can I/we/you potentially influence?
Ownership – How can I/we/you step up to make the most immediate, positive difference?
Reach – What can I/we/you do to minimise the potential downside? Maximise the potential upside?
Endurance – What can I/we/you do to get past this as quickly as possible? 

The next time you are faced with a setback take a step back and take time to respond rather than react and consider what is it trying to tell me? Which of the above questions can I apply to move forward?

“Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.”

Gever Tulley

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Skills to Rely on When your Best Communication Efforts Fail

Communicating what you want to say in the most appropriate way is an art form.  I’ve also learned, through lots of good and not so good experiences, that it’s a continual journey of discovery.

No two situations are identical, no two people are the same and it’s very easy for us to get stuck in a mode of doing what we have always done because it’s easy.

Is it any wonder that things go wrong? People misinterpret what we say and this can lead to the wrong actions being taken and the person or people on the receiving end being offended, confused or filling in the gaps in some way.

So what can you do to put things back on track?

Take 100% Responsibility

Communication is the challenge of leadership

The very first thing you can do is take 100% responsibility for your communication. It may well be that the person misinterpreted what you were saying and the question still remains - how could you have made your message clearer?

In my last blog I mentioned intention vs. impact. Did the impact (result) of your communication match what you intended? If not, then it really is your responsibility to ‘put things right’. Only you know what you are trying to say and the result you were hoping to achieve.

Start by asking your self these questions:
  1. What aspect of what I was communicating was misunderstood?
  2. Was it the content I miss-communicated or was it the way I communicated it? Consider here both the method you used and the tone with which it was delivered.
  3. Did I consider the person on the receiving end? Their level of knowledge, experience, style and way of working.

Having asked these questions one of two things are likely to result:
  • You re-communicate admitting you mistakes or new insights, or
  • You apologise

Whichever is required ensure you give some considered thought in what you say. Here are a few tips to help you on your way.

Effective apology

An effective apology needs to be sincere and specific, so be clear about what you are apologising for as generic apologies can come across as insincere. This is not about you ‘taking the blame’ it is simply acknowledging the impact of what you have or haven’t communicated. It’s not about excuses either!!

Take a moment and revisit the situation so that you can clarify exactly what you meant to say.  When our emotions get in the way, they can create obstacles to understanding and get us off the message we are really trying to convey.

Revisit the situation with your colleague or colleagues to clarify your message.

If you know the way you communicated is the cause of the breakdown offer a solution while acknowledging your development point. A development point is a personal challenge that you may be working to manage or overcome, which admittedly may have only been brought to your attention through this incident.  For instance, if you have a tendency to get impatient when you are nearing a deadline, you may be working on finding ways to keep a proper perspective so that you don’t create an uncomfortable environment for yourself and others.  Your impatience is your development point, and you must acknowledge it when you are looking to ‘build bridges’.

"Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love." 

Miguel Angel Ruiz