Thursday, 28 August 2014

What is the Predominant Mood of your Team?

Emotional IntelligenceMoods are contagious and understanding the predominant mood in your team will be an indication of the level of engagement, commitment and productivity.

What do I mean by mood?

Well, think of it as an emotional state that has some longevity such as; optimism, intensity, dour, calm, resentment, resignation, bold, gratitude….  Think of it as a longer-term attitude.

As you think of the moods I mentioned above I’m sure you can imagine what they feel like when you are with someone in this ‘mood’.

How often have you walked into a room where the mood is uplifting? You actually feel it as you walk in. Compare that to walking into a room where there is a pensive mood. You feel it, and it’s very different to the previous mood of uplifting.

Moods envelope you. You automatically adapt to the environment. They have an impact on how you relate to others and how you move through the world and take action– humans are emotional beings.

  • What is your predominant mood?
  • How does this affect your team, or meetings you are in?
  • What is the predominant mood of your team?
  • Is it effective?
  • If not what can you do to begin to shift it?
  • Do you drive the mood of your team?

There is likely to be a dominant ‘player’, so who is it?

Exercise: At the beginning and end of every day take a moment to notice your mood – write it down and reflect on how it’s affecting your outlook – your thoughts, your actions, your ability to listen. Just raising your awareness will provide you with new choices.

Managing your mood is a key task of leadership and will affect the impact you have.

"Don’t let people; places and things determine your moods. Take charge of how you feel each and every day."

Michael Barbarulo

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