Thursday, 27 August 2015

4 Keys to managing your energy

Managing your energyHow often do you feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day?

Your to do list seems to just keep growing – at home as well as work!

We all have moments and sometimes weeks or months like this and, if you are like me, you work harder thinking that’s the answer. You may well get through it but at what cost?

Tony Schwartz would argue that most of us are chasing the wrong resource – hours in the day rather than our own personal energy. Time is a finite resource where as your energy can be renewed and we can have more flexibility if we learn to manage it well. It is therefore the key to productivity and stamina.

In his report he looks at 4 areas of energy that we can manage:

Physical energy – are you healthy? Are you getting enough sleep, exercise and the right nutrition?

Emotional energy – are you happy? Do you diffuse negative emotions and infuse positive emotions? How do you look at challenges?

Mental energy – how well do you focus on something? Do you set aside specific times in the day to respond to emails and voicemails? Do you manage interruptions and have clear priorities for each day?

Spiritual energy – why are you here? What is your purpose?

Our opportunity is to reflect on our current patterns of work and behaviour and begin to make adjustments.

Are you heading for an energy crisis?

If you want to get a quick ‘heads up’ on how you are doing the following questions are included in the report here, you’ll also get some tips on where to focus.

  • I don’t regularly get at least seven to eight hours of sleep, and I often wake up feeling tired.
  • I frequently skip breakfast, or I settle for something that isn’t nutritious.
  • I don’t work out enough (meaning cardiovascular training at least three times a week and strength training at least once a week).
  • I don’t take regular breaks during the day to truly renew and recharge, or I often eat lunch at my desk, if I eat it at all.

  • I frequently find myself feeling irritable, impatient, or anxious at work, especially when work is demanding.
  • I don’t have enough time with my family and loved ones, and when I’m with them, I’m not always really with them.
  • I have too little time for the activities that I most deeply enjoy.
  • I don’t stop frequently enough to express my appreciation to others or to savour my accomplishments and blessings.

  • I have difficulty focusing on one thing at a time, and I am easily distracted during the day, especially by email.
  • I spend much of my day reacting to immediate crises and demands rather than focusing on activities with longer-term value and high leverage.
  • I don’t take enough time for reflection, strategising, and creative thinking.
  • I work in the evenings or on weekends, and I almost never take an email–free vacation. 

  • I don’t spend enough time at work doing what I do best and enjoy most.
  • There are significant gaps between what I say is most important to me in my life and how I actually allocate my time and energy.
  • My decisions at work are more often influenced by external demands than by a strong, clear sense of my own purpose.
  • I don’t invest enough time and energy in making a positive difference to others or to the world. 

Next Steps

It’s been a while since I read this report and I’ve found it useful to review it. It’s certainly helped me refocus and identify where things have been a little out of kilter…

What one thing can you do to begin to redress the balance?

Drop me a line to let me know.

‘Manage your energy not your time’

Tony Schwartz

Saturday, 15 August 2015

How balanced are you?

Work life balanceDoes your life feel out of balance right now?

Are you spending long hours at the office, or working from home and unhappy about it?

Do you feel overwhelmed by how much there is to do?

Do you often feel, no matter what you’re doing at the time, that you should be doing something else?

Do you feel guilty taking time out for yourself?

If you do, you are probably not alone.

I recently read this years Global Human CapitalTrends report from Deloitte and one of the opening paragraphs read ‘In this new world of work, the barriers between work and life have been all but eliminated. Employees are “always on” – hyper-connected to their jobs through pervasive technology.’

Whilst there are organisational challenges in this we also all have choices to make. After all the only person who really controls what you do and where you spend your time is you.

Too much, too little or just enough?

Work Life Balance
If you think you’re spending too much or too little time on certain areas of your life take some time out to consider how you will redress the balance.

Develop a list of where you do spend chunks of your time and decide whether you are spending too much, too little or just the right amount of time in each area.

Here are some ideas of what could be on the list:

Health and Fitness
Personal Development

Now, consider if there is anything missing from that list; an area of your life that is currently neglected, where you’d really love to allocate some time. Add this to the list.

Next, identify which is the most important area for you to address.

Now, identify one thing you can start to do to redress this balance. I’m suggesting one thing as it’s the first step and you want to succeed. If it’s relatively simple great! You can now move on to the next thing…

Don’t be surprised if you run up against some limiting beliefs you might have too. This could be the very thing that’s causing the imbalance and may take a little longer to resolve and adjust to.

Take one step at a time and review your progress regularly. Your needs may change over time so it’s always good to revisit this exercise and check you are spending your time and energy where you want too.

If you find you are struggling to create the future you want email me to set up a discovery call and we’ll explore together what action you can take.

‘A balanced work-life is primarily a mater of deciding when to hold on and when to let go.’

Jacques Limoges