Some of you will have heard
me say this before; leadership is work in progress. By that I mean we are
always being confronted with new situations and new challenges to take on. This
may be in the form of a team member who requires some additional support and
mentoring, a stakeholder who isn’t on board yet or a new project which requires
you to learn some new skills or approach things differently.
There are 2 approaches to all
of these situations:
be reactive and let the situation control and dictate what you do and where you
go, or:
be proactive and take charge, which requires you to first of all take charge of
your self. Not until you take charge of yourself can you begin to take charge
of others or the task in hand.
One of my fundamental beliefs is that you cannot lead and
develop others until you first learn to lead and develop your self. This is so
important because the only thing you have control of is you!!
Every human is a free spirit and has choice, so all you can
ever do is help those around you make the right choice – for them.
I realise that this may be a revelation for some of you and
if you stop and think about it I’m sure you’ll agree.
When it comes to leadership then the first place to start is
with YOU!!
If you want to continue to be at the top of your game you
have to constantly review where you are and how you are doing.
Being Proactive
is a discipline based on a number of key principles and practices:
personal vision,
personal mission,
to your strengths
your limiting beliefs and overcoming them
term for this is personal mastery.
Senge says, “Personal mastery goes beyond competence and skills…it means
approaching one’s life as a creative work, living life from a creative as
opposed to a reactive viewpoint.”
links personal mastery to effective leadership stating, “The core leadership
strategy is simple: be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery.”
is about creating what one wants in life and in work.
Practitioners of personal mastery exhibit the following characteristics;
· Their vision is more of a calling than
a good idea
· They have a sense of purpose that lies
behind their goals
· They see current reality as an ally,
not an enemy
· They are extremely inquisitive
· They work with, the forces of change
· They feel connected to others and to
life itself
· They feel they are part of a larger process
that they can influence not control
The Building Blocks
path to continuous improvement requires self-discipline around three building
blocks that I call the 3 C’s:
Competence : Do
you have all the skills you need to do your current role? As a leader these
tend to be soft skills rather than knowledge based skills. Do you have
sufficient knowledge to be able to do your current role or the one you aspire
too? How often do you stop and reflect?
Do you know what your next area of growth or stretch is?
Do you engage in regular feedback from those around you?
Confidence : Do
you feel confident in all areas of your job and your life? In what situations
do you not feel confident? Are you in the driving seat or is someone else? If
you are not feeling confident what is holding you back? What limiting beliefs
are getting in the way? What assumptions are you making?
Commitment : How
motivated and dedicated are you to your role? What de-motivates you? What
areas, if any, are you less committed
to or tolerating? It is about taking responsibility for the direction that your
life is going to take. Are you taking action that moves you forward?
Take some time to explore this. You may surprise yourself
and discover how self aware you are or identify your next area of growth.
The path to being the best you can be guides you to being more aware of your beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. It enables you to accept yourself and be responsible for your action, attitude, and thought and the impact you have.
Wherever you are on your journey take time to first celebrate all your achievements, something we often forget to do; and then
decide what’s the next stretch for you?
Your decision will not only make you a better leader who
inspires others to grow, your improvement will influence others and eventually
change the world!
"From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself.
Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need
to do -- now."
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